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  وبلاگ تخصصی مهندسی برق دانشجویان 86 شیراز

خداوند به موسی علیه السلام وحی کرد : «نعمت هایم را به خلقم یادآوری کن، به آنان نیکی نما و مرا محبوبشان گردان که آنان، جز کسی را که به آنان نیکی نموده است، دوست نمی دارند».غایت آرزوی دوستداران [إرشاد القلوب]

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وبلاگ تخصصی مهندسی برق دانشجویان 86 شیراز
مدیر وبلاگ : برق86(شیراز)[97]
نویسندگان وبلاگ :
محمد خیاطیان[0]
محسن تجلی فر[0]
سید رشید خاضعی نسب[0]
بهروز ذاکر[0]
عادل طاهری[0]
سارا ستار زاده[0]
فاطمه یوسفیان[0]
فاطمه استوار[1]
محمد علی رستمی[0]
محسن غفرانی جهرمی[0]
زینب باقری[0]
نسیم رضایی[0]
پیمان آقایی[0]
زهره شریفی[0]
نیلوفر محمدی[0]
عباس مهربان جهرمی[0]
فرشید نصر فرد جهرمی[0]
احسان جانکی پور[0]
محسن حضرتی یادکوری[0]
محسن مهرورز (@)[2]

علی عبیری جهرمی[0]
مهسا رضایی[0]
احسان رستمی[0]

این وبلاگ را دانشجویان برق دانشگاه شیراز- ورودی86-تدوین کردند ودر آن مطالبی در خصوص علم الکترونیکو کامپیوتر و فن آوری های نو و مذهب وتاریخ واخبار و...یعنی از شیر مرغ تا جون آدمی زاد بدست میاد

لوگوی من

وبلاگ تخصصی مهندسی برق دانشجویان 86 شیراز

لوگوی دوستان

فهرست موضوعی یادداشت ها

کامپیوتر[26] . برق علم برتر[14] . اخبار[12] . مذهب[7] . سرگرمی[5] . جامعه[3] . 30یا 30[2] . هنر[2] . از برو بچه های همین دانشکده...[2] . تاریخ . ورزشی .


اردیبهشت 87

حضور و غیاب




مستحب است که قبل از سجود، تکبیر بگوید: در حال قیام و چون به سجود رود، نخست دو کف دست بر زمین نهد، سپس زانوها و زن به عکس این کند و باید که انگشتان هر دو دست را به جانب قبله قرار دهد و ازهم نگشاید و هیچیک از دستها را به پهلو نچسباند و زانوها را از هم دو دارد واز پیشانى ، مقدار یکدرهم یا بیشتر به سجده گاه برساند (نه کمتر) و بر خاک یکدرهم یا بیشتر به سجده گاه سنگ و امثال آن از چیزهایى که سجود بر آن جائز است و بهتر آنکه بر خاک مزار ائمه معصومین علیهم السلام باشد، به خصوص تربت کربلا و اگر اعضاء سجود را، همه را برهنه کند و بر خاک رساند، افضل است .
و قبل از تسبیح بگوید:
رب لک سجدت پروردگار من از بهر تو سجده کردم و بک امنت و به تو ایمان آوردم و لک اسلمت و تو را فرمان بردم و علیک توکلت و کار خود به تو واگذاشتم وانت ربى و توئى پروردگار من . سجد وجهى سجود کرد روى من للذى خلقه مر آن کسى را، که آفریده است او را به دانائى و توانائى و شق سمعه و بصره و برگشود گوش و چشم او را به شنوائى و بینائى ، و الحمدلله رب العالمین وهمه ستایش ها و ثناها بر خداى راست که پروردگار جهانیان است . تبارک الله احسن الخالقین بزرگ و برتر و دائم و ثابت خداى ، که بهترین آفرینندگان است :

ز ابر افکند قطره اى سوى یم


ز صلب آورد نطفه اى در شکم


از آن قطره لؤ لوى لالا کند


وزین صورتى سرو بالا کند

سبحان ربى الاعلى منزه و مقدس مى خوانم و پاک و پاکیزه مى دانم ، پروردگار برتر و فراتر خود را، از هرچه جناب متعال او را نسزد و عزت جلال او را نشوید و بحمده در حالتى که مشغول ستایش و نیایش اویم که توفیق بخشیده است مرا که تنزیه و تقدیس او بجاى آرم .

حد این سر نیست او را سجده کردن ، لاجرم


سر به زیر افکنده ام بیچاره من از شرم دوست

و تا ملال حاصل نشده مکرر تسبیح گوید، مگر امام که بر سه نوبت اقتصار مى کند.
امام جعفر صادق (ع ) فرمود: به خدا که زیان نکرد، هر که حقیقت ، سجود را چنانکه باید به فعل آورد، گرچه در همه عمر به یک نوبت باشد و ظفر نیافت آنکه فریب داد نفس خود را در مثل این حال ، غافل و بى خبر از آنچه حق تعالى مهیا کرده است از بهر سجود کنندگان از خیر دنیا و سعادت آخرت و دور نگشت از خداى هرگز هر که در سجود، نیکو نزدیک شد به خداى
عزوجل و نزدیک نگردد به او هرگز هر که نیک بجاى نیارد ادب سجود را و نگاه ندارد حرمت آن را و دل به غیر حق تعالى دهد در سجود. در اینصورت عبادت چنین کسى چگونه خواهد بود؟
پس سجود کن ، سجود آن کس که بس به پستى گراید و بسیار فروتنى نماید آفریدگار را
عزوجل و خود را خوار و ذلیل او گرداند و داند که از خاکى آفریده شده که همه بر آن پاى مى نهند و از نطفه اى پدید آمده که همه آن را پلید مى شمرند.
در حدیث نبوى وارد شده است که نزدیکتر وقتى که بنده را به خداست ، حالت و فرصت سجود است ، که حق تعالى درباره آن فرمود:
و اسجد و اقترب ، به سجد درآى و نزدیک آى و از امثال این اخبار و غیر آن ، مستفاد مى شود که بهترین افعال نماز، سجود است بنابراین ، به درازا کشاندن و فرو ماندن در آن ، به اخلاص و آگاهى و با شوق و ذوق ، بس ‍ نیکوست .
بزرگى گوید: رکوع دعوى بندگى است و سجدتین دو گواه است بر آن .
ادامه مطلب...

¤ نوشته شده توسط برق86(شیراز) در ساعت 12:58 عصردوشنبه 87 تیر 24

دفع تهمت از حافظ

نقل مى کنند، حافظ شیرازى در یکى از اشعارش ، گفت :

گر مسلمانى از این است که حافظ دارد


آه اگر از پس امروز بود فردائى

مصرع دوم موجب شد که عده اى حافظ را تکفیر کرده و گفتند، او در مورد روز قیامت با تعبیر کلمه ((اگر)) شک و تردید نموده است .
این مطلب به گوش حافظ رسید، براى دفع این تهمت ، شعرى قبل از شعر فوق ، ساخت و در نتیجه ایراد فوق برطرف گردید و آن شعر این است .

این حدیثم چه خوش آمد که سحرگه مى گفت


بردر میکده اى بادف ونى ترسائى


گرمسلمانى از این است که حافظ دارد


آه اگر از پس امروز بود فردائى

در نتیجه مطابق مضمون شعر آخر، ترسا (یعنى مسیحى ) در مورد قیامت تردید کرده است نه حافظ.



منبع:داستان دوستان/جلد اول/
 محمد محمدى اشتهاردى

¤ نوشته شده توسط برق86(شیراز) در ساعت 12:42 عصردوشنبه 87 تیر 24


The Scope of New World Order

The range of the New World Order Diplomacy is not restricted to the Middle East, though planning for this region is kingpin upon which rests its success. In fact, any Muslim country, which attains even a trace of power or where there is slight danger of rising "Fundamentalism", faces pressure from NWO diplomacy and eventually any such threat is done away with. Pressure on Pakistan and Libya is part of this policy of the NWO diplomacy. Punitive action is destiny of all such nations, which aspire to stand dignified in world.

The Case of Pakistan

Nuclear Issue: What US demands of Pakistan, is quite clear. The core demand is Pakistan abandon intention to make a nuclear bomb and roll back all progress made in this direction. This also includes opening up of its atomic power plants for international inspection (i.e. US inspection), this essentially in line with the inspection being carried out nowadays in Iraq. If Pakistan refuses to comply, then according to the Pressler Amendment – especially tailored for Pakistan – all aid it receives (which is more a web of loans then aid), should be stopped. Even US scholarships our students receive shall cease while other countries will also be pressurized to stop assisting Pakistan. Interestingly, American scholarships have already been stopped. Another threat to Pakistan is that trade routes will be closed and it will be left alone to suffer. In addition to this, surprise strikes by India and Israel on Pakistan’s nuclear facilities can be made any time and India can be made to go on war with Pakistan.

Kashmir Issue: Another US requirement is that Pakistan stop supporting the Kashmiri Freedom Fighters in any manner whatsoever. If it does not agree, it will be labeled terrorist state and has to face economic sanctions, opening the way for military and economic maneuvers against it.

Afghan Issue: Yet another US desire is that Pakistan should give up its whims for setting up of an old guard Islamic rule in Afghanistan. Such a possibility is totally unacceptable anywhere in the world because it is considered a danger to Western cultural mores. Such a proposition shall be the hardest bit for Western countries and the US to swallow. Together with Turkey and Iran, if ever deciding to join hands with the newly independent Russian and Muslim states, an Islamic Afghanistan possesses enough potential to form core Islamic regional bloc. This perhaps is the main reason why the Western mind is wholly against Islamic Afghanistan. This block will, of course, be much more formidable than the one that already exists in the Middle East.

Afghanistan has a pivotal position in this vastly extended, strategic zone of immense importance. Russia’s own defense is now also at stake after fragmentation of the former Soviet Union. Hence, the New World Order has included Russia’s defense as part of its policy. It shall extend all help to the Communist regime to curb Muslim nations’ rise and their intent of control over the entire Central Asian region. This cooperation has already started. If closely observed, we shall find that the independence of Baltic states is acceptable, demands of freedom can be accommodated by Russia elsewhere in the Soviet Union. However, if Muslim states demand independence, danger signals start buzzing everywhere. Even, Muslims’ mentioning ‘freedom’ tantamounts to causing panic in the hearts of Europeans and Americans.

Identity Issue: Finally, Pakistan must give up its dream of a vast Muslim block arrangement in the area. It should stop looking towards the North and West and ought turn its face eastwards toward India under whose dominance it should be prepared to live. It worries America if Pakistani delegation takes lead in visiting the Central Asian Muslim states with a view to fostering better, political, economic and cultural relations. US briefings that appeared in press following such visits makes it clear that improvement in relation between Pakistan and the US are not the later’s cup of tea.

The Case of Libya

Libya is another source of worry to the West. The US and Western countries cannot tolerate Gaddaffi since he openly supports countries which they consider rogue. Though the Libyan regime’s illegal international actions cannot be condoned, yet one must condemn killings of innocent Libyans both at home and abroad. The way Libya is being singled out for preferential scapgoating and condemnation every where, is something which deserves censure.

Wrong Libyan policies do not merit catastrophic US military action. How can one justify US attack on Libyan territory where 90 per cent victims were totally innocent men, women and children. There is no iota of truth in involving Libya in Pan Am bombing all of a sudden and opening the way for military offensive on it. What mockery! The investigating agency found Libya written on small decipherable bits, while the Pan Am airplane was blasted to smithereens. The cause of war lies some where else; the reason for shelling Libya is its ability to disturb the New World Order. If, for one minute, we accept US actions most just and its agencies most competent:

    • Why could not they find clue to UN representative Count Bernadot’s killing on Sept. 17, 1948, by Israeli terrorists in Palestine’s Jewish area during a road block?
    • Why no one was caught when the US counsel woman was shot on May 26, 1948?
    • Why US agencies fail to find a single tell tale sign when the US ambassador and military attaché got killed with Pakistan’s president Ziaul Haq and a number of other generals in an airline blast at Bahawalpur in Aug 1988?
    • Why innocent Palestinians are being killed day and night?
    • Why Kashmir is burning?


No probes are usually made to find out who is behind such incidents; no cases are registered; no terrorists get caught, and; no action follows such incidents. If ever an investigation is completed, its results got never published. The most emphatic reason is always: – It’s a matter of national security!

The Gulf war was, in fact, staged to pave the wave for New World Order supremacy. The collapse of Iraq’s economy, the destruction of its military prowess and the deaths of Iraqis due to poverty, starvation and disease are cruel part of this strategy. Saddam Hussain is accomplice in the whole game plan. What reward he got for attacking Kuwait and then surrendering to the American army without even a fight, is his still being in the driver’s seat. With this background clear in mind, one should not then be surprised at the world’s silence to what is now happening in Iraq. What is, however, lamentable is the fact that those who cried foul when Iraq attacked Kuwait (since both the countries were Muslim), now maintain silence in wake of US sanctions!

Lessons to Learn

What happened in Spain in 1491 didn’t occur unexpectedly. Everyone knew it was coming. Likewise, the 1991 Peace Conference, held in Madrid, was the climax of earlier smaller events.

It’s not a blind world ruled by a blind sovereign, neither did the world came into existence by chance. It is not possible that the harmony of night followed by day is under control of a powerless being and that this rotation is the result of an accident. This world was created on the basis of truth and it’s functioning is based on this same principle. Control of each and every thing in the skills and the earth lies in the hands of the Lord of the worlds, Who knows everything that is hidden from human perception. Who is merciful and all-powerful and Who is the Master Planner. All that is happening in the universe is under his control. Therefore, it’s necessary that man ponders over the reason why something happened in by gone days; neither does he need to worry about the reason behind what is happening to day. In any case, man cannot do any thing to prevent something in future, which has already been predestined. There is no escape from the Divine decree: Whether a man loses or gains, all is according to the scheme and will of Allah Almighty.

What caused the 781 years era of Muslims’ political, economic, scientific and cultural dominance in Spain to sink into oblivion? The first and foremost reason is that Muslims became victims of mutual chaos and differences, followed by excesses on each other and bloodshed. Other factors that brought about their decay included, love for luxury and easy living, hunger for wealth and thirst for power, undue fancy for race and pride for the creed.

There were three main groups of Muslims in Spain; the Arabs, the Berbers and the Spanish Muslims. Of the third category, some were new Muslims known as Moldoon, while others were born from mating between the two previously mentioned groups. The Arab group itself was divided into Kalpi, Yemeni, Syrian and many other groups. The different tribes constantly remained in a state of polarization and confrontation with each other. Each group had political, cultural and economic differences with the other. The new Muslims against the born Muslims and the Arabs against the non-Arabs leveled charges of exploitation and preferential and partisan treatment. Manipulation of one tribe against the other, bloodshed and grouping together of two tribes to fight the other, was common place. The result of infighting was that Muslim forces suffered defeat in France. Christian rulers who dominated lands in the North exploited each incident of mutual fighting and chaos among Muslims.

Causes of Gharnata fall: The killings and excesses among Muslims started when Tariq Bin Zi’ad conquered Spain in 711 and continued ruling for 50 years. If aYemeni Governor was killed or deposed, a person from the Taysi tribe would promptly replace him. This would be reversed if a Taysi was killed and an Yemeni would take his place. In the last 22 years of Amvi rule, which ended in the year 1030, no less than 22 persons ascended to the seat of power. As soon as Amvi rule ended, Spain was divided into many small states. This division was permanent and could not be rectified during Murabateen and Mohadain rule, which followed in later years.

Christian rulers slowly but surely extended and consolidated their power taking full advantage of bloodshed, infighting and differences among Muslims. They used to manipulate differences, provoking Muslims to fight among themselves. That’s why we find different Spanish Muslim states locked in battle each time we go through history. In this manner, Christians succeeded in dismembering and capturing the smaller Muslim states. Eventually, all that remained in 1238 was Gharnata. This small state was also gobbled up in 1491.

There is no doubt that Christians would take full advantage of infighting and bloodshed among Muslims. However, the most unfortunate and sad part of the story is that Muslims would, at time, join hands with Christian forces to attack and destroy their Muslim brethren. Many such shocking incidents are found in history. When Yusuf Bin Tashfin came, a number of Muslim states called Christians to come to their aid for fear they would be dislodged from seat of power. The people of Ishabila wrote to a Muslim officer serving the Christians: "Inform the Christian king of our plight and tell him we need his help to rid us of Murabatine…"

The most heart-breaking events, however, concern the last days before the fall of Gharnata. Maulai Hasan was the last Muslim rule who refused to pay to the Christians. His two sons, Abu Abdullah Muhammad and Yusuf, rebelled against their father at the instigation of the Christians, just when Muslims were locked in the most important of battles for their survival. Maulai Hasan succeeded in defeating his sons but was forced to withdraw forces engaged in battle against the Christians. When he got fed up of the situation, he handed power to his brother Azaghil. When this happened, the Christians armed his son Abu Abdullah to fight Azaghil who was then in a fix. He had to resist the opposition on too many fronts. At times Ferdinand succeeded in capturing a state and sometimes Abu Abdullah. In this state, Azaghil eventually accepted Ferdinand’s dominance to save himself. Eventually, both Azaghil and Abu Abdullah were deposed, sent to exile and forced to live in abject poverty till their death.

The countless number of Christian agents among Muslim rulers and the government functionaries were unlike Muslims. They were not slaves to Christian culture or thinking, rather they were attracted to gold, wealth and luxury for which they had sold their moral values.

Muslim rulers used to conspire with Christians, keep the local population in dark and then leave them to their mercy. Muslim preachers used to issue religious verdicts (fatwas) on different matters but no one used to take heed. Tyranny, excesses and oppression, would be committed on Muslims but no one would rise to their defense.

Time to Reconcile

We will find no difference if we compare the situation that prevailed in 1491 and the Muslims’ circumstances in 1991. Arabs are against Turks, Iraq against Kuwait, Egyptians against Yemenis, Punjabis against Bengalis – they are all Muslims up in arms against their brethren. The deplorable Muslim condition centuries before is what we find even today. Western secular Christian powers have always been instrumental in keeping Muslims polarized with a view to keep them under their dominance. The Madrid Conference started in the aftermath of the Gulf War. What actually happened there? Arabs fought Arabs, or precisely Muslims killed their Muslim brethren. The Western countries first jointly armed Iraq. When it became a power to reckon with, it was destroyed. In Jordan, Palestinians were killed en-masse in Black September, an offensive was launched by Syria in Lebanon, Palestinians were murdered in Beirut’s refugee camps, while a large number of Palestinians were arrested by Jordanians in the Gaza Strip. Who were the perpetrators of these onslaughts and who were the victims. Were they all not Muslims? Why should the Palestinians not adopt similar policies if Egypt can go to Camp David with out them and if Saudi Arabia and Kuwait openly announce they are ready for peace with Israel, whether Palestinians come to the talks table or not.

The above mentioned facts point to one weakness which is a hard fact to accept. The Muslim Ummah have deviated from its purpose of existence and has, perhaps, lost faith in its actual mission.

The command of Allah was to worship Allah alone, but we have erected color, language, race and high family status as idols for worship. We have fallen headlong into the very crater of fire from which we were saved. Allah’s command was: "not to fight among yourselves or you will be weakened and rendered ineffectual". We raised war on controversial issues, which indeed weakened us and undermined our solidarity and power. The Prophet of Allah said "Beware, don’t turn to disbelief after me and start cutting each other’s throats". Instead of considering all Muslims as our brethren, we started labeling them as Amvi and Abbassi, Arab and non-Arab, Arab and Berber, Arab and Turk, Egyptian and Yemeni, Punjabi and Bengali and Sindhi and Muhajir. It was us who created small pockets of power like Kuwait and Iraq and who made them shed each other’s blood.

Despite firm belief in the Qur’anic doctrine that hatred and confrontation among Muslims is punishment for deviating from Allah’s ordained mission for man on earth, this is exactly what they are doing today. They have succumbed to mutual differences and hatred like the Christian groups each of whom sticks to its own rites and customs. Today the Christians, Jews and Hindus had dominated Muslims in all spheres of social, political, economic, scientific and all other activities, right from Indonesia to Morocco. Allah warned us to stick to our oaths lest He would harden our hearts and allow others to take over our land.

High Hopes

Apparently, the situation appears bleak and hopeless. The prospects are that it will become even gloomier. However, we must bear in mind that it is not 1491, rather it is 1991. Today, Muslims have not come down after a rise to power and dominance, instead they are witnessing waves of awareness after being hounded for decades. It is the resurgent waves of awareness among Muslims, which have created panic and restlessness in Israel, the US and the West. In fact, the New World Order diplomacy is the outcome of this worry. Global Muslim resurgence is not like the secular movement whose leaders sought to get independence from political dominance of the West. It resulted from efforts made to disseminate the Islamic message by leaders like Syed Maudoodi, Hassan-al-Banna Shaheed and teeming number of other personalities. Due to these leaders’ 50 years hard work, we find today a selfless, well-groomed and dedicated generation ready to sacrifice life to fulfill pledge to Allah and his last Prophet (pbuh). This wind of change has the potential to close the era of Western oppression and tyranny.

There are countless signs of Muslim awakening, for example:

  • Islamic movements in Muslim countries are flourishing
  • Da’wah work is progressing admirably even in the US
  • The new generation is increasingly Islamic-identity-conscious
  • Ill-equipped Mujahideen have brought giant like Russia to its knees despite shortage of man power
  • Notwithstanding the short comings in the Iranian revolution, it still proved Islam is a uniting factor which possess force to throw out formidable external forces
  • Kashmiri are fighting sternly against Indian occupation forces despite shortage of men, weapons and external support
  • Mosques are thronged with worshippers in the newly independent states of Central Asia

On the other hand, the US seems to be losing economically. Forces opposing its dominance over entire globe are becoming increasingly powerful. The elite among Americans is seriously predicting a future war with Japan. Rivalry between Europe and the US is becoming a possibility. The concept that only the US is the policeman and dictator of economic policy, is something the world is finding difficult to swallow.

However, the desire for a better future, cannot be attained easily. Like manna and quails, it will not fall from the sky. They require effort, struggle and hard work. Hence, it’s necessary that Muslims tightly rein their horses, if they want to overcome the storm they have succumbed to. They have to respond to the dominance of the West. They must seriously ponder over what happened to them in the past and why. At the same time they should realize why they have fallen into a dismal state in the world of today. Firstly, they should look inwards and change the outlook and values of their own family. It is not possible to change others if you are not willing to change yourself. Bravery, foresight, acumen, planning and struggle are required. We have to believe in ourselves as power to uproot the most formidable enemies. However, we should realize that we cannot defeat our opponents merely by demonstrations, slogans, foul language and hatred. Remember! Enemies don’t remain enemies forever. We can reap fruit both form the pastures of Umar-bin-al-Khattab and Ghengis Khan. Who knows in which land and in whose army a potential mujahid is ready for the taking.

No doubt a great challenge lies ahead for the Ummah. The responsibility to stimulate the Muslim world to greatness however, falls heavily on the torch bearers of Islam, who are struggling to awaken Muslims from their slumber and who claim they are striving to implement the way and rule of Allah in this worldly sphere. The question is: "Will they accept the challenge thrown to them and come forward with, unity, struggle, concrete planning, unwavering beliefs and strict adherence to Islamic principles." That is what is needed if Muslims want to regain their lost glory.

Translation and adaptation of the editorial of Tarjuman Ul Quran December1991.

¤ نوشته شده توسط برق86(شیراز) در ساعت 6:24 عصرجمعه 87 تیر 21


Islam and the West: Middle East Peace Talks
by Khurram Murad

Let’s pause for a moment and ponder on the following seemingly disparate analogy. First, the most recent event: The date was Oct. 30, 1991 and the venue was Madrid, Spain. American New World Order diplomacy eventually succeeded in bringing Muslim Arab countries to their knees. They were forced to negotiate a peace agreement with the Jewish occupied state of Israel. Recounting the past, now let’s go 500 years back in history. It was on Nov. 25, 1491, in the same land of Spain, where a similar "Peace Agreement" was brokered at Gharnata, which is situated 200 miles South of Madrid. Here too, a Muslim Arab leader, Abu Abdullah Muhammad, ruler of the last Spanish Muslim state, succumbed to pressure because of constant siege, fear of hunger and starvation. The Muslim Arab ruler affixing his signature on an agreement to bring peace, agreed to lay down arms before armies of Ferdinand and Isabella, then rulers of Christian Spain. By virtue of this agreement, Abu Abdullah promised to hand over Gharnata, the castle of Al-Hamra and all weapons to Christians within 60 days.

Fall of Gharnata

Interestingly, all talks that took place between Abu Abdullah and his advisers regarding the peace agreement were kept secret as was done in the recent Madrid talks. Both these agreements are devastating for Muslims and this only time shall tell. In the former case, Muslim populaces were intentionally kept in dark and did not have even a hint about what was going on. Muslim armies, despite being ill-equipped, less in number and suffering from siege for many months, had till then not lost their spirit. They were ready to deliver a final blow to their Christian adversaries in the manner of their legendary hero, Tariq bin Zi’ad. However, this was never to be because the advisory council, which comprised of learned scholars, had other ideas. Fearing total annihilation of Muslims from Spain, they were unanimous in suggesting peace as the final resort. They were fearful of Christian armies who they assumed would not leave a single Muslim alive.

While on one hand, Abu Abdullah’s minister, Abul Qasim Abdul Malik, was instructed to visit Ferdinand secretly, on the other, the Christian leaders were busy in bribing the local populace under the garb of friendship. Abul Qasim used to meet Christian leaders in dark of the night outside the castle to chalk out clauses of the peace agreement, which guaranteed so-called future peace for Muslims of Gharnata. In return, Abu Abdullah was promised special concessions. When the Muslim masses and the army got news of the peace agreement with its humiliating conditions, they revolted. Fearing lest his peace agreement may fall through and in desperation that Muslims may resort to mutiny, Abu Abdullah treacherously sent a word to the Christian armies to capture Gharnata and Al-Hamra. As soon as Christian armies entered Gharnata on Jan. 2, 1492, Abu Abdullah was arrested from Al-Hamra together with his family and supporters. He was laden in jewels and diamonds and was wearing silk costumes.

On seeing the conquering armies enter Gharnata, Abu Abdullah got down from his horse, held its reins in his hands and most humbly handed over the keys of the city to the Christians, saying, "these keys are the last symbols of Muslim power in Spain. Take them because according to God’s pre-determination, our lives, our country and our possessions are all yours. I hope you will deal with us in the manner you promised." Ferdinand assured Abu Abdullah that "He will fulfill all promises made to the Muslims"

(Ehsan-ul-Haq in Muslim Europe, pp. 293)

A silver cross was displayed on the highest point of Al-Hamra and a gradual but discreet process was initiated to remove vestiges of 781-year-old Muslim rule over Spain. The peace agreement had guaranteed Muslims:

  • Protection of person and property;
  • Their right to practice their religion;
  • To wear their local costume;
  • To speak their own language;
  • To adopt their own rites and celebrate their festivals;
  • To decide their matters according to the Shari’ah;
  • Their custody shall remain over Mosques and Auqaf; and
  • No tax will be deducted from Muslims for Urce years and even after that no new tax will be imposed

It is surprising that Muslim rulers believed that their erstwhile enemies would ever keep such tall promises. However, such expectations by Muslims on their sworn enemy were by no means unprecedented. Muslim history is replete with many such instances.

The Christian rulers never intended to fulfill promises they had made to one as loyal and faithful as Abu Abdullah. He had been promised rule over the area of Al-Basharat, but instead was banished to Morocco. Muslims were given options either to embrace Christianity or face extermination, as cruelty towards them had become order of the day. In 1499, Muslims who refused to change faith were ordered to leave Spain. In 1502, all rogue Muslims were ordered to be executed. This way, all Muslims, excepting those who adopted Christianity, were either burnt alive, murdered, or expelled from Spain. Forced conversion to Christianity was firmly established when royal proclamation came in 1526. According to this order, wearing Arab costume, speaking Arabic, celebrating Islamic rites and keeping a Muslims name were all outlawed. Even ghusl i.e. Muslim bath, became an offense. Books were burned, hamams demolished and Mosques converted to citadels.

In short span of a few years following the 1491 Peace Agreement, not a soul in Spain professed faith in Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The agreement had thus annihilated remains of Muslims from territory where they had magnanimously ruled for over 781 years. The Qur’an aptly remarks in this connection as follows:

How many worthy gardens and springs they left behind, and corn fields and noble buildings, and wealth (and conveniences of life), wherein they had taken such delight! Thus (was their end)! And We make other people inherit (those things)! And neither heaven nor earth shed a tear over them: nor were they given a respite (again).

(Al-Dukhan, 25-29)

The Madrid Conference

Why was the 1991 Middle East Peace Conference held in Spain? A definite answer to this question is difficult. There may be many factors behind the choice of this venue. However, it would not be mere wishful thinking that those who fixed the venue had Spain’s 500th anniversary in their mind commemorating the time when Muslims were wiped off Spain. It would not be gainsaying, keeping human psychology in view, that there was mockery in selecting this site as a venue for peace talks between pro-Israeli Western powers and the Muslim Arabs. It becomes all the more crystallized when one considers how meticulously birthdays are celebrated in Western culture. In this background, was it a message adapted from history which the West wanted to convey to the Muslim Arab participants to the peace talks? Or, was it the intention of vested interests to put psychological pressure on them? Were the peace talks, harbinger of vengeance, an example of which was the fall of Gharnata?

Whatever the answer, if we want to learn what America hopes to achieve from the Madrid Conference, we will have to see the situation in the historical perspective of a triangle the three legs of which involve US, Israel and Middle East comprising of Palestine and Arab nations. The entire truth may, however, not be found even then unless the long history of relations between Islam and the West are brought into consideration. Such an exercise shall bring before us new vistas.

West and Islam

If one ponders over relations between Islam and the West: the creation and preservation of Israel by the US and the West, their unconditional support to all it’s illegal actions, their all-out aid for Israel’s military, moral, financial and propaganda needs; one aquatinted with the situation can be dead sure of one implication – US and the West are not interested that peace comes to the Middle East. The two are only engaged in that amount and that kind of peace, which furthers their own interests. The US cares the least whether the problem is solved on the basis of justice and fair play, while the Western leaders view that human beings do not live in the Middle East, instead a race lives there whose religion and culture had in the past ruled over them for 1,000 years and has the potential to pose threat to them in future as well. Their other interest in the area is oil, which is inevitable for their progress and prosperity.

During World War I (1914-18), when the West realized its systems were decaying and that their progress is unattainable, it turned towards what it considered a threat to it’s existence — How to contain Islam so that it might never rises supreme again. With this end in view, on the one hand, a rift was created between Turks and Arabs which ended the Ottoman Caliphate due to infighting among Muslims. On the other hand, the Middle East was divided into small power pockets unable to defend themselves. By fueling own-invented notions of nationalism and race, the Western powers ensured that Muslims not only continue with the in-fighting, but also that they would never be free from colonial hegemony. They thus made it sure that there was no possibility of Muslims rising to power again. Most significantly, European powers, having realized that they would not militarily control the area indefinitely, decided to create a center in heart of Middle East that would forever serve their interests.

Thus, Israel came into existence with immense Western backing symbolizing their dominance in the area. There was no need to send Christian armies to conquer the area; creation of a Jewish state served the purpose much better. After this, the Palestinians were treated and reduced in number as the red Indians in North American. The West now considers nothing more or nothing less in the path of important cultural aims it sought in the area.

Design behind Agreement

Recognition of Palestine and Palestinians logically means that a state must be created for them. It does not mean that Israel be destroyed. However, formation of a Palestinian state irritates the Western powers and Israel since such an arrangement is ill suited for their design of the area. It totally goes against aims for which Israel is striving continuously and for which it is receiving all out support from Western powers. Proof of these aims can be found in (top secret) papers of the Joint Chiefs of US Staff (No. 11/1684, dated March 31, 1948). These aims of Israel and that of Western powers are:

  • Initial take-over and control of Israel over a part of Palestine
  • Followed by unlimited entry of Jews into Palestine (which continues even today)
  • Followed by an extension of Jewish power in Palestine
  • Followed by further extension of the Land of Judeo into Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and even further
  • Followed by Israeli military and economic hegemony in entire Middle East

In words of the American Joint Chiefs of Staff, "all stages of this program are equally sacred to Jewish leaders" – and presumably equally important to the US and the West.

These are the reasons for Israel’s non-acceptance of the PLO and its blank refusal to hold any talks with the organization. Many misconceptions about Palestine’s relations with Israel have been planted so cleverly in minds of the people around the world that they have been accepted as the truth. For example, the world is strongly convinced that Palestinians have themselves run away from Palestine; that Arabs and especially the PLO are out to wipe off every single Israeli; that they are continuously at war with Israel, and that; Israel is totally innocent and fighting each war merely for its survival. Israelis are portrayed like angels, while the PLO members are nothing less than cold-blooded killers.

But, the truth contradicts the wild propaganda. Wanton crimes have been committed on Palestinians in the form of genocide, attacks on innocent civilians and their expulsion from homes. The perpetrators of such offensives are none other than known terrorists such as Ben Gurion, Begin and Shaamir. Every Arabs offer of peace has been eyed as a threat to Israel’s existence, something greater than a declaration of war. Israel has always acquired weaponry with its own resources. With Israel, the aim of war has never been defense or the so-called survival, rather it always has been expansion of its frontiers. As rejoinder to each crime Israel commits, the US ushers in more dollars and more weapons. The sole super power, do not hesitate using its veto power if ever the Jewish state is cornered in the UN.

Israeli Terrorism

Volumes can be written, yet the topic shall remain unexhausted if one goes into details of Israeli terrorism and the strong backing and support it gets from the US. War and terrorism against Palestinian citizens commenced on Jan. 5, 1948, when the Semi Ramees hotel, located in the Arab area of Jerusalem, was blasted with a 175-lb hunk of dynamite. What other aims could there be of such an act than to strike fear in Palestinians’ hearts? Israeli terrorism in fact commenced even before the creation of Israel on April 9, 1948, when about 100 armed Israeli terrorists belonging to Stern and Irgun massacred 250 innocent women, children and adults in Der Yasin, a town within Jerusalem vicinity. The victims were unarmed and unprepared for the dynamite attack. The commander of Irgun, while giving a telegraphic message of his successful mission, used the following wards, "As in Der Yasin, as every where, O’God, you have made victory our destiny?" The result was that 300,000 Palestinians fled their homes by May 1948. After this, the cold-blooded killings continued forcing thousands of Palestinians to wander around shelterless in refugee camps as if homelessness has become part of their fate. Arrangements for expansion of the Land of Judeo were exquisitely made by the Jewish state in 1983 when its terrorists butchered thousands in their attack on Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut.

Israeli leaders have never hidden their motives: to expel Palestinians, to conquer the whole of Palestine, or to establish the Land of Judeo. Israeli aggression is rooted in the much-fancied dream to dominate the entire Middle East. It is neither the result of Arabs’ refusal to recognize Israel, nor because they challenge its dominance. While confessing plans Israel has for the division of Palestine, Ben Gurion made it clear that:

We are not withdrawing from our right over Jordan...we will stay in the whole of the territory, whether the Arabs allow us willingly, or by our adopting other means...with them in a language they understand. This other language will be in our possession when this state is taken over.

Begin’s comments at this juncture were: "Division of the homelands is illegal, we will never agree to it...Jerusalem is our capital and will always remain so. The land of Israel will once again be returned to the nation of Israel, all of it and forever and ever." In the words of a former chief of Israeli military intelligence, "We have a plan to expel 7 to 800,000 Palestinians from their homes in event of a further war."

Scenario during Talks

With this historical scenario, it is not difficult to predict who will benefit from the Madrid Conference, especially if the stages following this conference attain their desired result. As far as the people of Palestine are concerned, the comment by David Hurst of the daily Guardian, appears true that: "The conditions which were accepted by the US for Shaamir’s attendance at the conference, must logically point to a last agreement in which Palestinians cannot be accepted as a people with a land or as a people with any rights at all." It is as if a solution is reached at Madrid, it will be the final solution for the Palestinians. The most they are expected to get is power to run municipalities. This, too, because Israel feels it too cumber some to take control of a large number of non-Jews on its territory. To wash notion of its avowed denial of civilian rights to a large number of Palestinians is another reason for its allowing PLO control over municipalities.

Analyzing conditions imposed for participation in Madrid peace talks reveal yet another design. Let’s see what were the conditions:

    • No Palestinian delegation will be allowed to take part in the talks
    • If Palestinians are allowed they should come as part of the Jordanian delegation
    • If any Palestinian comes thus, he should not be from Jerusalem (because Jerusalem is now part and parcel of the Jewish state. By doing so, Israel expected to acclaim recognition of Jerusalem, something not yet done either by the world or the US)
    • Any Palestinians who comes as part of the Jordanian delegation should not be from those living abroad in exile, and finally
    • He must not be a member of the PLO

The question then is who will be the person who fits into these requirements? A resident of West Jordan, whose name is acceptable to Israel and who is not vetoed by it. An example can be Haider Shafi, a leftist, secular Palestinian, who is not a fundamentalist and who opposes Intefada bitterly. Perhaps, it is the first instance in the history of talks between opposing group in which a party to the talks has been given the right to veto a member of the other party when it dislikes.

The Israel and US have also laid conditions for other participants of the talk in line with their common interests. The UN has been disallowed to come as an observer. This was indeed a strange international conference in that even the UN was denied full participation, the same UN which was always in the forefront throughout the Gulf War. Even Britain and France were not included in the Madrid Conference, though both have had deep involvement in the Middle East in the past. This is the result of Kissinger’s policies and US strategy to keep Japan and Europe away from Middle East talks. Russia stood with US in calling for talks at a time when its own power had dwindled. If Russia’s power was intact and its stance had not changed, these talks would never have held. In fact, Madrid Conference was not the conference, the Arabs demanded. According to Shaamir, the participants of the Madrid Conference will never again get the opportunity to sit together, neither does this conference have the option to do so. After this conference each Arab state will have to hold talks directly with Israel in its individual capacity. Since the agenda for any future talks between the Arabs and Israel have been set, the slogan land in return for peace shall have to be done away with. However, it should be understood that Israel would not budge an inch from its occupied territory. Palestinians can participate but no talk of a Palestinian state will be tolerated.

Now at the talk’s table, secular Palestinians were willing to dole out to Israel what they had lost on other fronts. However, the victories upon which they celebrated were fickle, such as:

  • American secretary of state did not seek Israel’s approval for the participation of the Palestinian delegation, forming part of the Jordanian delegation to the talks (though Israel had already been given assurance that there would be no such Palestinian delegate against whom it may have any ion).
  • The reception was done separately in Madrid where Palestinians were given a separate limousine and diplomatic status.
  • They were given the same time span to speak at the conference as was given to the Jordanian and Israeli delegations.

As far as the rest of the Arabs were concerned, they were in no position to dictate terms following their demoralization and disarray during the Gulf War. On the other hand, they were there to loose every thing at the talks.

The Vested Interests

In this background it is logical to ask; what did the US and Israel hope to achieve from this conference and how? The answer perhaps is that when Palestinians had now stooped so low as to be ready for restricted autonomy from Israel, it could safely be assumed that each Arab country would now be ready to settle its issues with Israel on its own conditions. Among these countries are the old allies and friends of the US. The leaders of these countries are ready to return US favors in the Gulf War and there are those as well who believe after God (or perhaps even before God), the US was sufficient to defend them. In addition to these countries, there are others who had announced their readiness to settle issues with Israel regardless of the Palestinians intention to negotiate. The Israel and US strategy is to put Palestinians on solo flight, alone and without any supporters, and thus to consolidate Israel’s control over Palestine. They expect of the Arab countries to settle issues with Israel on their separate terms. However, they left open the option for another war or economic venture like the Gulf war to soften things out, lest no agreement could be reached with any country.

Israel feels at ease and ready to disarm Arabs after clipping their wings by entering into agreement with them. By doing so, Israel is about to digest Arab economies which now lie open for it. Since Israel is most powerful economy of the region: it receives $1000 per person as US aid; is acknowledged 4th most powerful military power; has at least 200 nuclear bombs, and; was created to fulfill Western designs in the area; will shortly be in a position to establish its hegemony throughout the Middle East. It will not only be dominant military state in the region but also economically it will far exceed others. A regional conference is also part of the strategy to achieve Western ives in the area, in addition to two-way talks. It is planned that other issues, such as water, economy, pollution and environment etc., be settled between Israel and the Arabs even before two-way talks take place. Vested interests felt it was the right time to trap Arabs. They believed they could convert Arab enmity to friendship especially, when they were weak, dependent, disheveled and in disarray. They wanted to take full benefit of the confrontation, which existed, between the morally corrupt leadership and local Arab populace. Western powers designed to once again consolidate their power in the region by creating anarchic situation as they did in Spain 500 years ago. This way, they believed they could counter rising Islamic fundamentalism without going to war with Muslims.

ادامه مطلب...

¤ نوشته شده توسط برق86(شیراز) در ساعت 6:23 عصرجمعه 87 تیر 21

مراحل اولیه ایجاد امنیت  در شبکه
شبکه های کامپیوتری زیر ساخت لازم برای عرضه اطلاعات در یک سازمان را فراهم می نمایند . بموازات رشد و گسترش تکنولوژی اطلاعات، مقوله امنیت در شبکه های کامپیوتری ، بطور چشمگیری  مورد توجه قرار گرفته و همه روزه بر تعداد افرادی که علاقه مند به آشنائی با اصول سیستم های امنیتی در این زمینه می باشند ، افزوده می گردد . در این مقاله ، پیشنهاداتی در رابطه با ایجاد یک محیط ایمن در شبکه ، ارائه می گردد .
سیاست امنیتی
یک سیاست امنیتی، اعلامیه ای رسمی مشتمل بر مجموعه ای از قوانین است که می بایست توسط افرادیکه به یک تکنولوژی سازمان و یا سرمایه های اطلاعاتی دستیابی دارند،  رعایت و به آن پایبند باشند . بمنظور تحقق اهداف امنیتی ، می بایست سیاست های تدوین شده  در رابطه با تمام کاربران ، مدیران شبکه و مدیران عملیاتی سازمان، اعمال  گردد . اهداف مورد نظر عموما"  با تاکید بر گزینه های  اساسی زیر مشخص  می گردند .

" سرویس های عرضه شده  در مقابل امنیت ارائه شده   ، استفاده ساده در مقابل امنیت  و هزینه ایمن سازی در مقابل ریسک از دست دادن اطلاعات " 

مهمترین هدف یک سیاست امنیتی ، دادن آگاهی لازم به کاربران،  مدیران شبکه و مدیران عملیاتی یک سازمان در رابطه با امکانات و تجهیزات لازم ، بمنظور حفظ و صیانت از تکنولوژی و سرمایه های اطلاعاتی است . سیاست امنیتی ، می بایست مکانیزم و راهکارهای مربوطه را با تاکید بر امکانات موجود تبین نماید . از دیگر اهداف یک سیاست امنیتی ،  ارائه یک خط اصولی برای  پیکربندی و ممیزی سیستم های کامپیوتری و شبکه ها ،  بمنظور تبعیت از سیاست ها است . یک سیاست امنیتی مناسب و موثر ، می بایست رضایت و حمایت تمام پرسنل موجود در یک سازمان را بدنبال داشته باشد .
یک سیاست امنیتی خوب دارای ویژگی های زیر است :

  • امکان  پیاده سازی عملی آن بکمک روش های متعددی نظیر رویه های مدیریتی،  وجود داشته باشد .

  • امکان تقویت آن توسط ابزارهای امنیتی ویا  دستورات مدیریتی  در مواردیکه پیشگیری واقعی از لحاظ فنی امکان پذیر نیست ، وجود داشته باشد .

  • محدوده مسئولیت  کاربران ، مدیران شبکه  و مدیران عملیاتی بصورت  شفاف مشخص گردد . 

  • پس از استقرار، قابلیت برقرای ارتباط با منابع متفاوت انسانی را دارا باشد . ( یک بار گفتن و همواره در گوش داشتن )

  • دارای انعطاف لازم بمنظور برخورد با  تغییرات درشبکه  باشد .(  سیاست های تدوین شده ،  نمونه ای بارز از مستندات زنده تلقی می گردنند . )

سیستم های  عامل و برنامه های کاربردی : نسخه ها و بهنگام سازی
در صورت امکان، می بایست از آخرین نسخه  سیستم های عامل و برنامه های کاربردی بر روی تمامی کامپیوترهای  موجود در شبکه ( سرویس گیرنده ، سرویس دهنده ، سوئیچ، روتر، فایروال و سیستم های تشخیص مزاحمین ) استفاده شود . سیستم های عامل و برنامه های کاربردی می بایست بهنگام بوده و همواره از آخرین امکانات موجود بهنگام سازی ( patches , service pack , hotfixes) استفاده گردد . در این راستا می بایست حساسیت بیشتری نسبت به برنامه های آسیب پذیر که زمینه لازم برای متجاوزان اطلاعاتی را فراهم می نمایند ، وجود داشته باشد  .
برنامه های  : IIS ,OutLook , Internet Explorer , BIND و sendmail  بدلیل وجود نقاط آسیب پذیر می بایست مورد توجه جدی قرار گیرند . متجاوزان اطلاعاتی ،  بدفعات از نقاط آسیب پذیر برنامه های فوق برای خواسته های خود استفاده کرده اند .

شناخت شبکه موجود
بمنظور پیاده سازی و پشتیبانی سیستم امنیتی ، لازم است لیستی از تمام دستگاههای  سخت افزاری و برنامه های نصب شده ، تهیه گردد . آگاهی از برنامه هائی که بصورت پیش فرض نصب شده اند،  نیز دارای اهمیت خاص خود است ( مثلا" برنامه IIS بصورت پیش فرض توسط SMS و یا سرویس دهنده SQL در شبکه های مبتنی بر ویندوز نصب می گردد ) . فهرست برداری از سرویس هائی که بر روی شبکه در حا ل اچراء می باشند، زمینه را برای پیمایش و تشخیص مسائل مربوطه ،  هموار خواهد کرد .

سرویس دهندگان TCP/UDP و سرویس های موجود در شبکه
 تمامی سرویس دهندگان TCP/UDP در شبکه بهمراه سرویس های موجود بر روی هر کامپیوتر در شبکه ، می بایست شناسائی و مستند گردند . در صورت امکان، سرویس دهندگان و سرویس های غیر ضروری،  غیر فعال گردند . برای سرویس دهندگانی که وجود آنان ضروری تشخیص داده می شود،  دستیابی به آنان محدود به کامپیوترهائی گردد که به خدمات آنان نیازمند می باشند . امکانات عملیاتی را که بندرت از آنان استفاده و دارای  آسیب پذیری بیشتری می باشند ، غیر فعال تا زمینه بهره برداری آنان توسط متجاوزان اطلاعاتی  سلب گردد. توصیه می گردد ،  برنامه های نمونه (Sample)  تحت هیچ شرایطی بر روی سیستم های تولیدی ( سیستم هائی که محیط لازم برای تولید نرم افزار بر روی آنها ایجاد و با استفاده از آنان محصولات نرم افزاری تولید می گردند )  نصب نگردند .

انتخاب رمزعبور ضعیف ،  همواره یکی از مسائل اصلی در رابطه با هر نوع  سیستم امنیتی است . کاربران،  می بایست متعهد و مجبور به تغییر رمز عبور خود بصورت ادواری گردند . تنظیم مشخصه های رمز عبور در سیستم های مبتنی بر ویندوز،  بکمک Account Policy صورت می پذیرد . مدیران شبکه،  می بایست برنامه های مربوط به تشخیص رمز عبور را تهیه و آنها را اجراء تا آسیب پذیری سیستم  در بوته نقد و آزمایش قرار گیرد .
برنامه های john the Ripper   ، LOphtcrack و Crack ،  نمونه هائی در این زمینه می باشند . به کاربرانی که رمز عبور آنان ضعیف تعریف شده است ، مراتب اعلام و در صورت تکرار  اخطار داده شود ( عملیات فوق،  می بایست بصورت متناوب انجام گیرد ) . با توجه به اینکه برنامه های تشخیص رمزعبور،زمان زیادی از پردازنده را بخود اختصاص خواهند  داد،  توصیه می گردد،  رمز عبورهای کد شده ( لیست SAM بانک اطلاعاتی در ویندوز ) را بر روی  سیستمی دیگر که در شبکه نمی باشد،  منتقل  تا زمینه بررسی رمزهای عبور ضعیف ،  فراهم گردد . با انجام عملیات فوق برروی یک کامپیوتر غیر شبکه ای ،  نتایج بدست آمده برای هیچکس قابل استفاده نخواهد بود( مگراینکه افراد بصورت فیزیکی به سیستم دستیابی پیدا نمایند) .
برای تعریف رمز عبور،  موارد زیر پیشنهاد می گردد :

  • حداقل طول رمز عبور، دوازده و یا بیشتر باشد . 

  • دررمز عبور از حروف کوچک، اعداد، کاراکترهای خاص و Underline استفاده شود .

  • از کلمات موجود در دیکشنری استفاده نگردد .

  • رمز های عبور ، در فواصل زمانی مشخصی ( سی و یا نود روز)  بصورت ادواری تغییر داده شوند .

  • کاربرانی  که رمزهای عبور ساده و قابل حدسی را برای خود تعریف نموده اند، تشخیص و به آنها تذکر داده شود .( عملیات فوق بصورت متناوب و در فواصل زمانی  یک ماه انجام گردد).

عدم اجرای برنامه ها ئی  که  منابع  آنها تایید نشده است . 
در اغلب حالات ، برنامه های کامپیوتری در یک چارچوب امنیتی خاص مربوط به  کاربری که آنها را فعال می نماید ،  اجراء می گردند.دراین زمینه ممکن است،  هیچگونه توجه ای  به ماهیت منبع ارائه دهنده  برنامه  توسط کاربران انجام نگردد . وجود یک زیر ساخت PKI ) Public key infrastructure ) ، در این زمینه می تواند مفید باشد . در صورت عدم وجود زیرساخت امنیتی فوق ،می بایست مراقبت های لازم در رابطه با طرفندهای استفاده شده توسط برخی از متجاوران اطلاعاتی را انجام داد. مثلا" ممکن است برخی آسیب ها  در ظاهری کاملا" موجه از طریق یک پیام الکترونیکی جلوه نمایند . هرگز یک ضمیمه پیام الکترونیکی و یا برنامه ای را که از منبع ارسال کننده آن مطمئن نشده اید ، فعال و یا اجراء ننمائید . همواره از برنامه ای نظیر Outlook بمنظور دریافت پیام های الکترونیکی استفاده گردد . برنامه فوق در یک ناحیه محدوده شده اجراء و می بایست امکان اجرای  تمام اسکریپت ها و محتویات فعال  برای ناحیه فوق ، غیر فعال گردد .

ایجاد محدودیت در برخی از  ضمائم پست الکترونیکی
 ضرورت توزیع و عرضه تعداد زیادی از انواع فایل های ضمیمه ، بصورت روزمره در یک سازمان وجود ندارد .بمنظور پیشگیری از اجرای کدهای مخرب ، پیشنهاد می گردد این نوع فایل ها ،غیر فعال گردند . سازمان هائی که از Outlook استفاده می نمایند،  می توانند با استفاده از نسخه 2002 اقدام به بلاک نمودن آنها نمایند . ( برای سایر نسخه های Outlook می توان از Patch  امنیتی مربوطه استفاده کرد ) .
 فایل های زیر را می توان  بلاک کرد :

نوع فایل هائی که می توان آنها را بلاک نمود .

.bas  .hta  .msp  .url  .bat  .inf  .mst  .vb  .chm  .ins  .pif  .vbe
.cmd .isp  .pl  .vbs .com .js .reg .ws  .cpl  .jse  .scr  .wsc  .crt
.lnk .sct  .wsf  .exe .msi  .shs  .wsh

در صورت ضرورت می توان ، به لیست فوق برخی از فایل ها را اضافه و یا  حذف کرد. مثلا" با توجه به وجود عناصر اجرائی در برنامه های آفیس ، میتوان امکان اجرای برنامه ها را در آنان بلاک نمود . مهمترین نکته در این راستا به برنامه  Access بر می گردد که برخلاف سایر اعضاء خانواده آفیس ،  دارای امکانات حفاظتی ذاتی  در مقابل ماکروهای آسیب رسان  نمی باشد .

پایبندی به  مفهوم کمترین امتیاز 
اختصاص حداقل امتیاز به کاربران، محور اساسی درپیاده سازی یک سیتم امنیتی است. رویکرد فوق بر این اصل مهم استوار است که  کاربران می بایست صرفا"  دارای حقوق و امتیازات لازم بمنظور انجام کارهای مربوطه باشند ( بذل و بخشش امتیازات در این زمینه شایسته نمی باشد!) .  رخنه در سیستم امنیتی از طریق کدهای مخربی که توسط کاربران اجراء می گردند، تحقق می یابد .  در صورتیکه کاربر، دارای حقوق و امتیازات  بیشتری باشد ، آسیب پذیری اطلاعات در اثر اجرای کدها ی مخرب ، بیشتر خواهد شد . موارد زیر برای اختصاص حقوق کاربران ،  پیشنهاد می گردد :

  • تعداد account مربوط به مدیران شبکه،  می بایست  حداقل باشد . 

  • مدیران شبکه ، می بایست بمنظور انجام فعالیت های روزمره نظیر خواندن پیام های پست الکترونیکی ، از یک account روزمره در مقابل ورود به شبکه  بعنوان administrator ،استفاده نمایند .

  • مجوزهای لازم برای منابع بدرستی تنظیم و پیکربندی گردد . در این راستا  می بایست حساسیت بیشتری نسبت به برخی از برنامه ها که همواره مورد استفاده  متجاوزان اطلاعاتی است ، وجود داشته باشد . این نوع برنامه ها ، شرایط مناسبی برای متجاوزان اطلاعاتی را فراهم  می نمایند. جدول زیر برخی از این نوع برنامه ها را نشان می دهد .

برنامه های  مورد توجه متجاوزان اطلاعاتی

explorer.exe, regedit.exe, poledit.exe, taskman.exe, at.exe,
cacls.exe,cmd.exe, finger.exe, ftp.exe, nbstat.exe, net.exe,
net1.exe,netsh.exe, rcp.exe, regedt32.exe, regini.exe,
regsvr32.exe,rexec.exe, rsh.exe, runas.exe, runonce.exe,
svrmgr.exe,sysedit.exe, telnet.exe, tftp.exe, tracert.exe,

  • رویکرد حداقل امتیاز ، می تواند به برنامه های سرویس دهنده نیز تعمیم یابد . در این راستا می بایست حتی المقدور،  سرویس ها و برنامه ها  توسط یک account که حداقل امتیاز را دارد ،اجراء گردند .

ممیزی برنامه ها
اغلب برنامه های سرویس دهنده ،  دارای قابلیت های ممیزی گسترده ای  می باشند . ممیزی می تواند شامل دنبال نمودن حرکات مشکوک و یا برخورد با آسیب های واقعی باشد . با فعال نمودن ممیزی برای برنامه های سرویس دهنده و کنترل دستیابی به برنامه های کلیدی نظیر برنامه هائی که لیست آنها در جدول قبل ارائه گردید،  شرایط مناسبی بمنظور حفاظت از اطلاعات  فراهم می گردد . 

چاپگر شبکه
امروزه اغلب چاپگرهای شبکه دارای قابلیت های از قبل ساخته شده برای  سرویس های  FTP,WEB و Telnet بعنوان بخشی از سیستم عامل مربوطه ،  می باشند . منابع فوق پس از فعال شدن ، مورد استفاده قرار خواهند گرفت . امکان استفاده از  چاپگرهای شبکه بصورت  FTP Bound servers  ، Telnet  و یا  سرویس های مدیریتی وب ، وجود خواهد داشت . رمز عبور پیش فرض را به یک رمز عبور پیچیده تغییر  و با  صراحت پورت های چاپگر را در محدوده روتر / فایروال بلاک نموده و  در صورت عدم نیاز  به  سرویس های  فوق ، آنها را غیر فعال نمائید .

پروتکل SNMP)Simple Network Management Protocol)
پروتکل SNMP ،  در مقیاس گسترده ای توسط مدیران شبکه بمنظور مشاهده و مدیریت تمام کامپیوترهای موجود در شبکه ( سرویس گیرنده ، سرویس دهنده،  سوئیچ ، روتر،  فایروال ) استفاده می گردد .SNMP ،  بمنظور تایید اعتبار کاربران ،  از روشی غیر رمز شده استفاده می نماید . متجاوزان اطلاعاتی ، می توانند از نفطه ضعف فوق در جهت اهداف سوء خود استفاده نمایند . در چنین حالتی، آنان قادر به اخذ اطلاعات متنوعی در رابطه با عناصر موجود در شبکه بوده و حتی امکان  غیر فعال نمودن یک سیستم از راه دور  و یا تغییر پیکربندی سیستم ها  وجود خواهد داشت . در صورتیکه یک متجاوز اطلاعاتی قادر به جمع آوری ترافیک SNMP دریک شبکه گردد، از اطلاعات مربوط به  ساختار شبکه موجود بهمراه سیستم ها و دستگاههای متصل شده به آن ، نیز آگاهی خواهد یافت . سرویس دهندگان SNMP  موجود بر روی هر کامپیوتری را که ضرورتی به وجود آنان نمی باشد ، غیر فعال نمائید . در صورتیکه بهر دلیلی استفاده از  SNMP ضروری باشد ،  می بایست امکان دستیابی بصورت فقط خواندنی در نظر گرفته شود . در صورت امکان،  صرفا" به تعداد اندکی از کامپیوترها امتیاز استفاده از سرویس دهنده SNMP  اعطاء گردد .

تست امنیت شبکه
مدیران شبکه های کامپیوترهای می بایست، بصورت ادواری اقدام به تست امنیتی تمام کامپیوترهای موجود در شبکه (سرویس گیرندگان، سرویس دهندگان، سوئیچ ها ، روترها ، فایروال ها و سیتستم های تشخیص مزاحمین   )  نمایند. تست امنیت شبکه ،  پس از اعمال هر گونه تغییر اساسی  در پیکربندی شبکه ، نیز می بایست انجام شود .

¤ نوشته شده توسط برق86(شیراز) در ساعت 6:1 عصرجمعه 87 تیر 21

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